© Alle Inhalte unterliegen dem Copyright von Manuela Hurni
Cola - 04.09.2023
There were to much stress for you, im so sorry about this! I will always keep you in my Heart and i will always miss
and love you!
Lindo - 10.02.23
Im so happy that i saved you from your bad Home and take you to my Home. You were so loved and i will always
keept you in my heart!
Erik 24.04.2018 - 01.07.2021
I will always love you!
Haki 05.04.2021 - 21.06.2021
You only live vor 2 Month and 2 Weeks. We all miss you so…
Itta 16.03.2020 - 15.06.2021
You were too young Itta. It was a big fight, but now you are free.
Felix 01.07.2011 - 27.05.2021
You were so loved lovly Felix. I miss you so much!
Enya 24.04.2018 - 18.04.2021
Foer ever in my Heart!
Gala 05.04.2020 - 16.04.2020
We were fightin, but we both lost the Fight. I‘m so sorry.
Zwergli 23.07.2017 - 10.08.2017
Anuj 24.06.2014 - 02.03.2015
Garfield 1997 - 16.11.2015